Black Excellence Travel Team


Black Excellence Beach Weekend is a unique travel experience comprised of like-minded professionals with one common interest: we love to travel! The event occurs every summer on a beach with people from all over the world. Each participant is automatically a member of the Travel Team. Our only ask of you is to provide good energy, positive vibes, and to have a great time.

This isn’t your typical group trip as the goal is to party, celebrate life and create memories that will last forever. There is no set itinerary however there are activities, which the entire group is encouraged to attend. Past events include ATV excursions, epic pool parties and the annual Chicken & Mild Sauce Yacht Party. The Yacht Party is the highlight each year and the turn up is undefeated…never lost!

So please join us each summer as we continue to increase the quality of life through travel. Peace, Love, and Black Excellence!